Cisco 644-906 certification exam has become a very influential exam which can test computer skills.The certification of Cisco certified engineers can help you to find a better job, so that you can easily become the IT white-collar worker,and get fat salary.
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Understanding functional and technical aspects of Control Plane (644-906 SPAUTO)
The following will be asked from you in the CISCO 644-906 exam dumps:
- Enable ISIS for IPv6 unicast routing
- Modify an existing applied ACL
- Configure router to run LDP
- Understand and monitor interface counters
- Define an AS-set for use in RPL
- Configure router to log neighbor events
- Execute a show bgp command using a route-policy to modify the output.
- Compare to regular show command
- Enable some but not all of the IPv4 enabled interfaces for IPv6 routing
- Securing vty line and vty access
- Configure eBGP neighbors for IPv4 routing
- Configure a simple pass_all policy for those eBGP neighbors
- Monitor ACL counters
- Display the topologies for IPv4 and IPv6. Why are they different?
- Create a route policy that adds a community where the community is used as a parameter when the policy is called
- Configuring logging buffer
- Re-sequence an ACL
- Configure static routes in for IPv4 unicast in two different VRFs
- Configure BGP to support IPv4 routing
- Create a route-policy that uses an inline prefix-set and changes the local preference when a match is found
- Add VPNv4 capability to one iBGP peer
- Configure additional interfaces to be part of non-backbone area
- Display the IPv4 unicast route table
- Configure one iBGP neighbor to exchange both IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes over an IPv4 session
- Display the IPv4 BGP table
- Turn and debugging for ISIS adjacencies and explain the information shown
- Troubleshoot packet drops
- Clear interface counters
- Implement ACLs to filter traffic on an interface
- Configuring syslog server host as logging destination
- Enable ISIS for IPv4 unicast routing
- Enable RSVP on interfaces
- Configuring terminals for logging display (term mon)
- Determine status if interfaces are configured for ISIS
- Configure BGP to support IPv6 routing
- Configure an autonomous system number for BGP to use
- Modify interface counter load interval
- Configure interfaces for ISIS routing
- Configure static-RP, Auto-RP and BSR for PIM-SM
- Configure PIM-SM, PIM-SSM, PIM-SSM range
- Execute show command to verify status of LDP neighbors
- Configure interfaces to be part of the backbone area
- Verify AAA permissions upon command failure (i.e., debug aaa)
- Add two VRFs into BGP and redistribute static routes into BGP for VPNv4
- Configure Multicast NSF
- Determine the status of the routing adjacencies
- Determine how much memory the BGP process uses Configure RPL
- Configure one iBGP neighbor as an IPv6-only neighbor with IPv6 peer addresses
- Configure neighbor logging so adjacency changes can be monitored
- Configure P2MP-TE for IP Multicast
- Implementing TACACS+ - assigning tasks groups and privileges
- Configure OSPF to support traffic engineering extensions
- Verify vty access-group configuration
- Enable LDP on interfaces
- Configure static routes for IPv4 unicast in the global table
- Determine status of neighbors
- Configuring AAA authentication - using TACACS+ and local as fallback
- Monitoring logging buffer and filtering messages
- Configure MoFRR
- Apply ACLs in debug commands
- Display a specific entry and explain AS path and next-hop information
- Create a route policy that checks for an AS from the AS-set and adds a community for matching routes
- Configure iBGP neighbors with the typical configuration to use loopback addresses for peering
- Configuring logging facility
- Configuring AAA command authorization - Using TACACS+ and local as fallback
- Configure the ISIS NET
- Use neighbor-groups for identical configuration sections on multiple peers
- Display OSPF database and determine which links are present
- Configuring line templates, vty pools
- Configure Multicast VPN
- Configure MSDP for interconnecting PIM-SM domains
- Configuring AAA command accounting
- Determine status of OSPF interfaces
- Verify that communities are added as expected
- Describe the difference in processing of transit packets versus locally destined packets
- Understand the flow of packets through a router
- Configure one iBGP peer to support 6PE type functionality by adding addressfamily IPv6 labeled-unicast
- Configuring local logging device/archiving
- Understand the information stored in a forwarding table entry
- Configuring exec timeout
- Configure non-default metric on some interfaces
- Display the peer summary status for IPv4 and IPv6
Cisco 644-906 Exam Syllabus Topics:
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